September 11, 2012


Relationships and partnerships are an important factor in everybody’s life. Humans need reinforcement, support, and acknowledgement to assure they are worthy. Some people might argue that they can do it on their own but I find it very hard to believe. Maybe they are able to excel but their journey alone I am sure is much more difficult than if they had someone’s help. My most important relationship in my journey has been my husband. I am not going to say my children, sisters, or parents because, although they are very important in my life; I did not choose them and they did not choose me, even though they are the best family the Lord could have given me. On the other hand, I did choose my husband and he did choose me amongst millions of other humans in this world. My husband has always been very supportive in all my volunteerism, school, and work activities. I believe the partnership we have formed is built with a very good and stable foundation.
The positive relationship with my husband allowed me to pursue professional and academic growth. Before I met him I was a single mother who had dropped out of high school earning minimum wage. The thought of college was just a dream too far away to reach. With his financial and moral support, I received my GED, obtained my Bachelors, and now I am in the process of pursuing my Masters.

I have been fortunate enough to hold many important and positive relationships in my life. All of these relationships have somehow shaped and formed my experiences, integrity and values. Whenever I can afford it, I try to be generous with my time and volunteer it to different organizations. One such organization is CASA, which stands for Court Appointed Special Advocate.  The CASA’S advocate for abused and neglected children who have been removed from home by Child Protective Services (CPS) by standing before a judge and reporting observations made while conducting home visits.
These observations are then taken into consideration when doing a final placing of each child. By being the Child's Guardian Ad Litem, my task was to always look for out for the best benefit of the child. Through this partnership, I gained valuable hands on experience working with children and implementing crisis intervention techniques. The partnership also helped me work with children from diverse ethnic groups allowing me to peek into their home environments and enriching cultural awareness. Furthermore, this experience becomes very valuable when it comes to working in the Early Childhood profession.
The challenges I faced were that at first I had many biases which I had to set aside. I had to learn to see beyond the parents mistakes and don’t view them as monsters but just as inexperienced parents lacking knowledge or parenting skills. For obvious reasons I am not allowed to share any photos of the children in the cases I had, therefore all I am attaching is the CASA logo.

 Another important partnership I formed is with AmeriCorps. AmeriCorps refers to a group of volunteers who in exchange for national service to the community the person is granted a  scholarship to go to school. I can proudly say that I served 2 full years and in those two years I was able to network and interconnect with many nonprofit agencies which I still serve on my free time. This partnership helped build my citizenship skills and yielded lifetime friendships. As an AmeriCorps member I participated in many projects like Habitat for Humanity, Make a Difference Day, Recycles Day, and way too many more to go on. This is a very valuable partnership for me because it allows me to be an active participant in helping my community. It has also been very beneficial in my personal life. Although it has ben five years and all of the members went on to different fields, we all still keep in touch and continue to be actively involved with our respective communities.
I am the one with the hat, planting donated trees at a community park

I am the one sitting in the bottom far right,after collecting cans for the Annual MLK Food Drive
I am the one in the middle sitting inside the truck, in front of a house we helped build for a homeless family



  1. Dina,
    As this course is finishing up the second week of class, I am glad that we are posting in our blogs this week. Sometimes it is hard to make a connection with people in online courses because, while you can read what they have to say, you sometimes lack that personal touch, background information and understanding of their past experiences. While reading your blog post about relationships, I was able to gain an insight into who you are and what is important to you as an individual. It allowed me to see the experiences you have had that led you to this point in your life and in your career. Volunteering is such an amazing thing that is not only rewarding for the people and organizations that you help, but for the person doing the volunteering as well.

  2. Hello Dina! I agree that it is human nature to have a healthy relationship with someone during your lifetime. I am happy that you found that in your husband. A wonderful Support system is very important.

  3. Hi Dina,
    Your reflection page is great and full of positive influences through relationship and partnership you have been fortunate to be exposed to. Life journey is always easy when you are exposed to positive environment

  4. Dina, I was especially moved by your post. Giving back so selflessly to society is something that lightens my heart and uplifts my spirit. It so evident that the positive support you are receiving from significant people around you resonates so remarkably through your interactions with others. That is what great support is all about. God bless.

  5. Dina, you had such a great post, and it is so similiar to my situation. When I was in the 12th grade, I dropped out of school months before graduating. I went back as you did and earned my Adult high school diploma. Well I was inspired by the relationships in my life and decided to go back and get my Associate, Bachelors, and just withing the last year completed two Master's degree's. I have to owe all that to the positive people in my life. I love your post and keep up the great work. I like how you did your pictures.

  6. Thank you Ladies for all your kind words and encouragement. Volunteering has always been a very important part of my life because I believe that is why we are all placed on this earth for, to help others. I am sure all of you do some form of volunteering everyday without even realizing it. The teacher that goes the extra mile and spends that extra time with the students is volunteering her time. God bless you all :) !

  7. Hey Dina,
    I sincerely admire you for receiving your GED and bachelor's degree. Those are wonderful accomplishments;and you should be extremely proud of yourself. Also, I think it is great of you to work with children and not pass judgement on their parents/caregivers. We are all human and make mistakes. I think that giving back to others is the best gift we give to others. I enjoyed reading your post. Thank you very much for sharing.

  8. Dina,
    I enjoyed reading your post and getting to know you better. You go the extra mile by your volunteer work and being a CASA. I hope you continue to achieve your goals and make positive outcomes for the families you serve and the community members you are giving back to.

  9. Dina,
    I have to say first off that it is very impressive to read of someone who has struggled as you have, yet has given back as MUCH as you have. I work for a non-profit agency that relies heavily on volunteers to get certain jobs done everyday. It is people like you that makes it all happen! Many of our volunteers deliver hot meals to senior citizens daily, checking on them to make sure they are alright, and sometimes helping them with small tasks. Thank you for being one of those who live to help others. It is very inspiring!

  10. Dina-

    Thank you for all you do in your community. It seems as though your husband (as well as others)played a vital role in your development. In return you have been able to bless others who are in in need. Community roles and relationships are just as important as the ones we have establish with family, friends, and co-workers. Being able to contribute to the community/society is vital; it may inspire others to do the same.

  11. Dina your reflection is inspiring. You did a lot for the community and built amazing relationships on the way. Thank You for sharing your story.
