I think that although research is very complex and involves many steps, it is undeniably necessary for any society to improve their lifestyles and learn how to confront social issues.From now on when I read something that is backed up by evidence based research I will be more appreciative of all the work that entails.
My ideas of the nature of conducting research have changed because now I can see any topic can have many variables and although researchers try to make it specific, those extraneous variables will always be present in any situation.
The lessons I learned in the planning of Early Childhood is that the researcher must have very strong ethics, work collaboratively with other researchers, and always be open for unexpected outcomes.
The challenges I encountered were the terms used because before this course I was not very familiar with many of them. The way I faced these challenges was by doing further research on the terms and not just what the textbook offered. Sometimes the terms can be more understandable when they are simply worded differently.
My perceptions of an Early Childhood professional have not changed. I always knew that individuals who work in this profession are hard worker dedicated individuals who want to make a difference in tomorrow’s generation. And now, all of the students from this class are joining them in this worldwide effort, including me.